Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter in the East

So! I am moving my apartment next Thursday. My utilities cost too much, and my landlord is not willing to help improve on my energy efficiency (or negotiate or listen). So I'm moving to a much nicer place with modern equipment and a VIEW! And it's only about 10 minutes walking distance from the subway. I'm really excited, and I'm really busy trying to get ready. Seeing as it may be some time before I get nestled in, I thought it would be a good time for a photo dump.
This photo was from the wedding of my dear friends Kim Eun Jang (bride) and Yoon Jang Seok (groom). The ceremony was very fast (about 45 minutes). As a wedding gift, I learned to sing a Korean love song. I accompanied myself on guitar. As I finished, I grabbed my camera and snapped a photo of the view from the altar (stage left)
Seated on the right are my principal (Mr. Kim Jong Jin) and Vice Prinicipal (Mrs. Oh Soon Hwa). During the ceremony, everybody chats and plays with their cellphones and fidgets. There's an announcer, and it's sort of like a game show where there is a musical guest and the contestants get married at the end. This represents a more modern and westernized style of Korean wedding.
The beautiful bride coming down the aisle. She is now pregnant with a baby girl, and her delivery date is in late June. The wedding was really quite an experience. I've got quite a few photos left to describe, so suffice to say that it was very cool and I was proud to be a part of it.
This is Daegu's first public library. Now the springtime is in full bloom and I have no enthusiasm for my Korean grammar practice or much reading.

My friends Marsha (right) and Rebecca (3rd from right) are now on the Daegu Roller Derby Team. It's centrifugal combat on wheels. They've both been kind enough to come support me and my badminton endeavor, so I'm a proud spectator of the Derby Gals.
The days pronunciation practice. I did explain that 'fly lice' is a nonsensical thing to say.
Look at the size of this tollbooth! The Seoul Toll. My friend emailed it to me. Yes it is photoshopped. But in the words of a great man: "The problem with internet photo's is that you can't always depend on their accuracy" -Abraham Lincoln-
One of my coworkers modeling a coat that she had put on lay-away at the department store.
One of my school's fifth grade teachers and her husband. We sometimes meet for coffee and language exchange on weekday afternoons. She gave me a very nice sweater for my birthday, which is why I am feeling terribly about drawing a blank on her name right now. (It's definitely three syllables)
These next few photos are my alumni! My sixth graders are now middle school first graders.

I am proud of you all! Come back to visit me anytime :) DUKIN FIGHTING!
She won some kind of award and she asked to be in a photo with me ^^ I quickly wound my disposable camera and asked for a duplicate.
Now onto the late-night photo's. My friends Thai, John, and Jules getting cocktails on our way to Che's birthday party
My hair is starting to get long. It is possible that I will get a perm this Saturday. For REAL.
We played a beverage game called "Tourettes." The name may be somewhat insensitive to those people who have been diagnosed with the disorder; however, the game is a riot.
Harry and Hilary
Myself and Stephanie.
Daegu continues to be a wonderful experience. I am glad to have some nice spring weather. I wish everyone reading this a very happy and restful Easter holiday. I hope that if you get a call from a weird number on your cell phone, be brave and pick it up. It might be me calling (I got my calling card charged up and I've been trying to call family and friends more often)