Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Subway Song!

In my city, the Daegu subway has a lovely jingle that plays when you arrive at the station.  It only plays the full tune when you reach the end of the line; however, I've heard the song almost every day for the past 300 days.  I've finally taken then time to figure out what the words mean (with some help from my good friend Louisa and my Korean coworkers etc).  I thought I'd share it with you.  Daegu Subways: Happy DTRO!
 "밝은 세상 함께 만들어요 해피디트로 
Let's build a bright world together, Happy DTRO (Daegu Metro)

희망의 길 힘차게 달려요 해피디트로
Hope to ride quickly, Happy DTRO

아름다운 꿈을 모아 행복을 키워요
Beautiful dreams of growing up happy

건강하고 여유로운 우리 누리 가꿔요
Let's cultivate happiness and relaxation

다정한 이웃처럼 변함없는 친구처럼
Kind neighbors become friends forever

우리 곁엔 웃음 가득한 대구도시철도
Daegu railway is full of smiles and laughter

밝은 세상 함께 만들어요 해피디트로
Let's build a bright world together, Happy DTRO

희망의 길 힘차게 달려요 해피디트로
Hope to ride quickly, Happy DTRO"

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